The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

OCTOBER    2006

                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Democracy or Dictatorship?

Dear Editor,

I enjoyed reading about the conspiracy theories in your article. You made your points without stepping on anyone's toes. I would like to add my insights to yours.

I was watching Fox News today and was confused by what I was hearing. As a viewer, I was informed that our intelligence equipment has noticed movement of missiles in North Korea with probable testing indicated. Within five minutes later, I was being told our intelligence capabilities were gutted some time ago, leaving us to accept what Iran is saying and acting upon it. I was left wondering how we could tell what one country is doing, but not the other, with gutted intelligence capabilities.

I have come to the realization that the Republican faction is using fear of terrorism as a tool to gain popularity among American citizens. For instance, when popularity polls begin falling for the Republicans you will notice the threat of terrorism increases. When an election is forthcoming, the threat of terrorism increases. I am surprised that in the aftermath of the 9-11-01 our borders were not secured. It has been five years, and they are still unsecured. Does this mean Osama Bin Laden and his supporters are smart enough to orchestrate 9-11, but too dumb to cross over unsecured borders? I am surprised that we were able to find Sadam Hussein and his regime, but not Osama Bin Laden. I have noticed that Osama and his supporters gain the limelight when the Republicans are trying to gain public support for their actions. It is my opinion, a government that wants to control its citizens with fear, is a government which becomes a dictatorship. The person in charge can have the title of King, Emperor, President or Commander, but all of these titles can be called Dictator.

Republicans claim the Democratic Party does not have a plan of action. The Republicans have had a plan of action since 1994. Their plan has created a war with oil rich countries, increasing our National Debt into the TRILLIONS. There have been major cutbacks for the elderly in transportation, medication coverage, and care in nursing homes. Public school systems have lost major funding. There have been significant increases in the cost of health insurance and property insurance. Many citizens cannot afford any health insurance. People who own homes are having to sell them, because they can't afford to pay property insurance that very possibly is more than three times their house payment. Transportation costs is now one of the big four in survival, Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Transportation. Inflation far out distances cost of living increases. It was brought to my attention today, the minimum wage has not increased in ten years, but our representatives received six raises in one year. Let's just put into perpective minimum wage and the cost of transportation. One gallon of gasoline fluctuates between $2.50 -$3.00 per gallon. Assuming a person is earning $5.15 (minimum wage) before taxes, he/she is spending at least $50.00 for transportation out of a bring home salary of less than $200.00. Could our representatives live on minimum wage with the rise in inflation in the past ten years? The illegal alien problem continues without a solution. I can see how well our representatives' plan is working, because they have polls to show their progress. Unfortunately, our great country can spiral downward into the bowels of economic disaster as did the Soviet Union, Germany, France and England.

It is important for your readers to let go of apathy and take a real interest in the people who are asking for their votes. I am going to be asking questions of candidates through emails, phone calls, and snail mail before I give my vote and ask your readers to do the same. Our future generations may be depending on us to keep DEMOCRACY out of DICTATORSHIP.

Valerie Gamblin