The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JUNE  2010

                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Other Side of the Story

*Editor's Note: The following letter was not signed and sent anonymously to The People News. However, due to the nature of the letter and its pertinent relevance to the immigration issue, it has been printed as follows...

Letter to the Editor:

I don't see anything wrong with making the pathway easier to amnesty and citizenship for illegals who are following all the laws.

Not all of the foreigners are abusers or part of the drug cartels. The reason they leave their country illegally is because it isn't easy and it isn't affordable to get their visas, or they would follow the law in the first place - at least that is why my husband came. He still doesn't have his "papers" because the governments (of Mexico and America) have made it impossible.

If you really want the truth, he cannot even become a legal resident until I make $26,000 a year at my job (with a family of 4, that's the minimum requirement). What normal individual has that kind of job? Surely not me on my $8.50 / hour government contracted job that I have. Ironic, huh?

My husband pays his taxes yearly (which is almost like highway robbery, but he pays faithfully). My husband has a driver's license (before they changed the laws) and has never even had a ticket (I have had plenty), has car insurance, speaks fluent English at his job and at our home. He goes to church with me and is a Christian. He lives an outstanding life; works a solid job (for barely over minimum wage), and supports my two children (for over 7 years we've been married) whose "American father" abandoned (my children) and who's over $37,000 past due on his child support (their "American father")... who the lovely judges around here never keep in jail. My Mexican husband has stepped up and went above and beyond my American ex-husband. I feel that has a lot of weight on the fact that not every illegal is evil.

If you want to complain about illegals, you need to get everyone's side of the story and get the facts straight. If the government made it attainable, affordable, and efficient, then the illegals wouldn't be illegal. That's the truth!


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