The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







"lift your spirits and brighten your day"

by B.J. Armstrong

Just before the death of the flowers and before they are buried in snow, there comes a festival season
When nature is all aglow. ....Author unknown

September is the ninth month of the year and has always had thirty days. Labor Day, the big and only legal holiday comes on the first Monday in the month. The Morning Glory is the flower for September. School has started back and summer activities come to a halt. Instead of out and about mingling with friends, you may be alone more. Seasonal changes can bring on sadness and depression, but, you need to stay in touch with family and friends. People who are depressed tend to isolate themselves. Make an effort to stay in touch with your friends and the people you love during this time of Fall.

Every day depression attacks the lives of over 350 million people worldwide. Experts aren't sure what's at the root of this problem. It might be a number of things in a person's life. If you are depressed, you need to find help. Without it, severe depression will continue to cause serious psychological and even

B J Armstrong

physical damage. It's a fact of life.

Most people get depressed every once in a while. The good news is a long-term study has revealed new ways to treat depression and without dangerous drugs.

In a study of more than 300 people, researchers concluded that St. John's Wort was just as effective as one of the leading antidepressants. Dr. Andrew Stoll, a Harvard psychiatrist, found that Fish Oil capsules (1000 mg.) helped people to get through periods of extreme highs and lows. Fish oil had an effect on the Serotonin level in the brain. Most antidepressants, including Prozac, raise brain levels of Serotonin. Therefore, you could raise the level of Serotonin by eating more fish such as salmon, Herring, Mackerel, and Tuna.

The "B" Vitamins can help you beat the "blues." Deficiencies of these vitamins can actually bring on the symptoms of depression. Good sources of these can be found in sweet potatoes, spinach, asparagus, avocados, watermelon, green

peas, pinto beans, bananas, and whole wheat breads. These foods might help you feel more clearheaded and energetic. Also, eating the right foods and focusing on good

nutrition can lift your spirits and brighten your day, thus making you feel so much better on an otherwise stormy and gloomy day.

People who feel good are less likely to be depressed. To feel your best is to eat well-balanced healthy meals, get enough sleep, and exercise every day. Get some physical activity is going to get your mind off your problems. Start by reaching out and helping others. Learn to appreciate all of the good things in your life. Be thankful for everything. This will lift your spirits. Find something you like to do and do it. Do a kind deed to someone every day. A smile, a phone call, a note to someone, a prayer, will make you feel good and lift the spirits of all involved. People feel less depressed if

they have a feeling of purpose and importance beyond themselves.

Sometimes events in your life make you feel blue. Some situational sadness is normal. But, if you can't snap out of the depression, then there might be a problem. To help distinguish between just feeling "blue" and being clinically depressed, check out the symptoms of depression:

* Feelings of hopelessness
* Loss of interest in life
* Insomnia
* Decreased energy
* Difficulty in making decisions
* Feelings of worthlessness
* Loss of appetite
* Restlessness, irritability
* Persistent sad and anxious mood
* Thoughts of death or suicide.

If you are depressed, you need to find help. Talk with your spouse or other loved ones, join a support group, pray, exercise, anything to help yourself feel better. Go see your doctor. See him regularly so he can monitor your depression. Work on staying healthy. Your doctor may prescribe exercise along with antidepressants. Although the drugs will bring about a more immediate improvement, working out will be just as good in the long run. Most kinds of physical activity reduce stress, gets you out of the house, and improves your mood.

There are two ways of spreading light.....
To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.....