The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MAY  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

"As it was in the days of Sodom...."

by June Griffin

The past few weeks have revealed a lot that needed to be exposed. It seems every time our Rhea County or Tennessee tries something which is perfectly normal, the new-agers crawl out of the woodwork howling their protests. When in the face of an invasion of foreign languages, our County rightly adopted a perfectly normal measure, like other places were doing, to secure that our English language remain the County vernacular, you never heard such a howl. Never mind that it is an immigration law that you have to speak, read and write English to become a citizen. The biggest howl came from a local banker. Not hard to figure that one out. Then in the invasion of perversion and warped unions, our County adopted a measure to exile the perverts or at least to recriminalize sodomy, here they come again, this time in the name of concern for privacy. What a joke!

How concerned for privacy these lovers of humanity are! Remember when Rhea County stood for privacy in property rights in being bribed out of voting privileges a.k.a. Graysville annexation? All in the name of "Urban Growth" of course, or else you don't get your own money back. Where were these lovers of privacy then? How many of the variegated draft-dodgers and proclaimed sodomites care for the utter loss of private property when it comes to the federal agencies that since the '60's have plundered homes and businesses, deprived us of our county privacy rights to read the Bible in schools, pray the Lord's prayer and maintain local control over our schools! What a lot of hypocrites! Untold thousands of good patriotic citizens have lost their property rights, fined and  jailed because they wanted to school their children at home, or wanted to run a Lester-Roloff home for children to teach them the Scriptures.

How many suicides, murders, divorces, have been the result of the IRS and BATF invasions? How many farmers have been robbed of their property rights by EPA? How many businesses have been shut down by OSHA? How many unions have shut down companies by their impudence and overthrow of owner's rights? Privacy rights? Ha. The list is too long, but so is eternity.

And now we come to, according to Justice Shea of Providence, Rhode Island, "the heinous, abominable crime of sodomy," a crime which provoked the Lord to destroy whole cities with fire and brimstone. The original action taken by our County Commission is child's play in comparison of what God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost will rain down on those who have no fear of Him and who tolerate such awful sin. The Court of Alabama said that Alabama has no right to acknowledge God! Whoever intimidated our Commission has said that we have no right to keep a clean County. One thing is for sure:  Peter was fearful, repented and was forgiven of his denial of Christ. But Judas sold out for money and hanged himself. There is a difference between the fearful and the unscrupulous.

I for one am grateful for the original County's attempt to do right. That position will be vindicated. It seems the Texas decision regarding the crime of sodomy was partially based on international law. As well, since the Courts are taking up with international law and committing outright treason. Congress is scrambling to try to reign them in and it is possible the Texas decision will be negated, as well as all decisions by the Courts in the past five years since they have consulted with the warped legal tenets of other countries. On the other hand, Zimbabwe just passed a law jailing male sodomites for life and females for seven years. The question I have posed for years still stands: in the flood of aliens, foreigners and their court precedents now being used by the judiciary, whose law will rule? God's or man's?

It seems we are in a spiritual contest as to who gets to define shame. Of course, the Bible is the only source for that definition. Rhea County is unashamed to bear the modern-day reproach of Scriptural condemnation. It will pay off in the long run.This County belongs to the Creator. When we were mocked by H. L. Mencken in 1925 for our stand for the Creator and the Bible, the truth of Genesis 1 still holds true for Christians. When we were mocked by today's spiritual children of this infidel, Christians still stand in awe of God's wrath against sin. As a nation and a State, we were unequivocally based on the Scriptures, in spite of intellectual wishes to the contrary. Since this Country, indeed the United States, and particularly Tennessee belongs to the God of our Fathers, does the root bear you? "Every plant which my Heavenly Father didn't plant will be rooted up." "If any man build upon this foundation wood, hay and stubble, the day of fire will reveal it."  Thus saith the Lord.

Thanks, J.C., for trying to be normal. The end is not yet, praise the Lord.

June Griffin