The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MARCH  2008

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.








by Toneeke Henderson

And so the story began.
Imagine being yourself, in the hours before your birth. The moments in which all the Angels are conveying last minute instructions for your great intro into this bizarre and uncertain place called earth.

Are you afraid, I would not be. I love adventure. I seek the wisdom from both worlds so I may better understand the souls I am around in either place.

I wonder about the colors and hues of energy that will explode as I make my entry into my being. Just think about it. The splendor of becoming a unit that is now attached to everything and in the most unique of ways.

My curiosity will surely get me into mischief as I speak my own language before the rest of the world will ever know what I am saying or be able to understand my commands to them. I am born multilingual and enjoy it before the corruption of the voices of here and now.

I will be a girl with darkened hair. Intelligence is merely a factor in my organized mind and divinatory skills. The Angels preplanned that for sure.

The time is getting near for me to gather my last moments of tranquil thoughts before

Toneeke Henderson

the big awakening of daylight and bursting sunrays.

I am saying my good-byes to those I have been with here in the Heavens for the time we have spent together. I will see them in the new world and we shall know who we each are, just as the purple ray children like my Ya Ya Toneeke, the indigo children, and of course the Crystalline children.

They all know who their kindred spirits are, and like them we shall all gather one day to share in our peaceful network of like kind souls and enjoy in the sharing of adventures beyond the normal quads of humans that we will one day teach peace and contentment and totality of the spirit.

My name is Eden Genesis Henderson,

I will be born not long after this paper is published. I haven't decided on my day of arrival yet but it will be by the 13th of March. I will be happy to arrive. The picture of me here is an ultrasound and I am very happy to share my smile with my Ya Ya's readers.

Not a lot to sum up, perhaps sometimes there is no need. Life is an adventure, energy takes control and expands within the

realm of the aura, sensing hues and building mass created then into a token of appreciation for the soul by giving form to the energy and bursting into that which is identifiable, hence a new life. I welcome my new granddaughter, Eden Genesis Henderson into my world of peace and serenity.

You can e-mail Toneeke at:

or you can also write to Toneeke at PO box 247, Calhoun, TN. 37309.