The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JUNE  2012

                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Underestimated Americans

Letter to the Editor:

The Republican Party is on a downward spiral into oblivion. The serpent has shown its fangs, and Americans are standing up to the obviously poisonous words and agenda of the people the Republican Party represents. The American people are not blinded by their false words. God has touched our eyes to let us see Republican Party members for what they are, puppets of the billionaires.

I thank God every single day for letting me see through the lies, the stonewalling, the obnoxious ads, the personal attacks against other people, the repetition of statements (a form of brain-washing listeners), and the call to arms and violence.

American citizens, like me, are sick and tired of hearing their empty words. We are sick and tired of our rights being taken away, without consideration or heard voice. We are sick and tired of being less than the billionaires. But there is good news in this, we are many and they are few. We can and will change history with our historical votes. Your vote counts, your voice can be heard, you can take your rights back. Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote and vote more!

I want you to think about this, when President Obama took the oath of office, he was taking a job that most people would never want to accept. Our country was in big trouble, brought down by Wall Street and the Banks gambling. We were in war. Many, many citizens lost jobs and housing. Who would want to clean up that mess? We elected President Obama to do it. Thank you, President Obama. I don't care what anyone else says, you had a monumental task set out for you, I respect you for not throwing up your hands after a year of the Do-Nothing Congress, and go screaming out of the White House. No, you showed stamina, a sense of humor and continued to try to reach out your hand to the do-nothings. As God disciplines his children, it is time for the Republican Party to be disciplined, and your vote is the hickory switch to do the job.

Continually, I ask myself, who is making the Republican Party members look like such fools? Who is twisting the knife in their backs to get grown men and women to say idiotic statements repetitiously? The members seem to be full of fear of not doing what they are being told to do. Even those members, who have shown they still have working brain cells, now look as foolish as the rest of the members. I guess when Satan completely buys your soul, you will be the fool, you will be idiotic, you will make insane choices, as he pulls your strings. When you kiss Satan's ring in adoration, you cannot make your own choices. You are owned.

Do you really think the American people want an owned party to govern them? Think again, we will fight for women, children, jobs, housing, HealthCare, education and against all those other agendas you have, to destroy the United States, as we know and love it. We will gladly use our hickory switches, our votes. You better believe it, God opened our eyes. God will lead us into battle with you. God will win. You will be the loser.

Valerie Gamblin
Cleveland, TN 37323

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