The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Reader complains about Joe Kirkpatrick article.

Letter to the Editor and Joe Kirkpatrick


I have read your article of defense for Mel  Griffith.  My opinion is that you have done a poor job and have now grown the popularity of Possum, (the nickname that I gave to Barry over at the Bradley News Weekly).  Gee Thanks, really do appreciate  that.

I'm not about bad checks but it does happen:  So be it and face the consequences.  Bad Checks aside..... there are no people that  I speak to that condone the County or the City method of lunch or money management of the students.  The account systems of both school systems are horrid. 

Why can parents no longer charge the lunches of their  children?  Why is it the child's fault if a parent doesn't  pay?  A PB&J sandwich is an affront and a humiliation  for any child not having lunch money.  The kids getting free  lunches are given more respect.  And this is the intent of a  "snack".  Its soul purpose is to pressure parents to do the  "Right Thing" whether they have the means or not.
What do you mean,  "If you don't have money for a field trip then don't go".  It either is or isn't about education.  Education is allegedly free for KIDS.  FREE FOR  KIDS........  So if it's not education........ there shouldn't be a field trip to begin with.  I'll include in this all the fees required for particular classes,  Art, Band and Chorus come to mind.  NO FEES!!!! 
About your lice example where you say that the mother REFUSED to buy the proper equipment to get rid of it.....  How do you know she did???  Did you look in her bank account,  her purse,  her fridge and cabinets?  Did you or your wife speak to the woman?  And are children responsible for what their parents do or  do not do for them? 
Why did you bring up Toby McKenzie?  Was that necessary or pertinent to the point you were trying to make?  Are you not aware that most blue collar folks resent Mr. McKenzie?  What was your point in bringing this man up?
Today is a different age with different dynamics in place.  It is not so easy now to get out of the poverty trap.  Everyone Joe, including the working poor, are taxed on every level imaginable.  IE,  Utility bills,  property  taxes,  property taxes on rented hovels, phone bills, medical bills, even the air is taxed via the EPA at the gas pumps. 
There are situations in Cleveland that grow poverty.  A prime example is temporary labor. 
You have done a poor job in defending a good man.  I happen to like Mel Griffith.  But your defense of him was lacking.  Instead you portrayed children as being responsible for parents.  I know that one reason Mel was so anti school uniforms was because he felt the people of his district would be hard pressed to afford them.
This entire check thing has been taken out of context first by the BNW  and now by you.  The youngun's ought to be treated equal in  a FREE EDUCATION FOR KIDS situation. 
I qualify easily for free lunches for my child. It is the only  government program that I do qualify for.  But don't you worry Joe,  She won't have one free lunch off your tax dime or mine.  Nor will she free load on a field trip.  Nor will she be denied taking a class because she doesn't have the money for the fees.    Ironically, she will have a much better  education than what the county or city can offer....... even though she doesn't have the required money to properly,  "fit  in".  You Joe,  are one of the many reasons that I home school. 
You need to learn how to communicate with and to support and represent  all conservatives and not just the ones that are in your socio economic level.  We're actually on the same side...... just not on this issue. 

Linda Moore, Cleveland.
A response from Joe Kirkpatrick
Ms Moore - I have learned everyone is entitled to their opinion, and even though I disagree with yours, I respect your right to express it.  I am glad you at least place me in the popularity rankings with Barry over at the BNW!  I do stand by what I said in my article.  My basic philosophy is if a family's basic needs are met (food, shelter, transportation, and health care), they should either work to get everything else, or do without.  Otherwise, what incentive do they have to do anything but "draw" from some sort of assistance program?