The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Retirement and Christmas

by BJ Armstrong

Alas! I am now like the gatherings of summer fruit, the last gleanings of the vintage, when there are no grapes left to eat, none of those early figs I love so much. ______Micah 7:1 REB

Retirement ..."A person could retire nicely in their old age if they could dispose of their experience for what it costs them."

Retirement is liken to the end of the year. Built around changes in your life. It's time to end one phase of something and begin a new phase. December is the end of the year. After December 31 the year begins anew. Retirement is the end of a particular job and the beginning of a new a different lifestyle. Retirement will bring changes in your lifestyle, self-worth, and daily routine. A beautiful Bible story tells how the star of Bethlehem shone above the manger and guided the wise men to it. The star at the top of a Christmas tree symbolizes this star. As we retire, there won't be a star to guide us but ... we can reposition ourselves to work, not for income so much but for outgo .. to share God-given interests, energy, talents, and experiences that can be a priceless blessing to our families and the community.

B J Armstrong

Retirees may not have a lot of contact with a lot of people now. If so, you may try to find that hunger for companionship with anything in the refrigerator. We hear so much talk about no-fat, no-salt, no-sugar foods; we may think there's nothing good to eat. But physical strength fluctuates with the amount and types of foods consumed. If you generally eat three well-balanced meals a day, you probably have no cause for concern. Make sure you place fresh fruit, whole grains, and raw vegetables high on your list of foods to eat daily. If you eat junk food, you may be too tired to go anywhere or to do much of anything.

This is not the time to give up or give in to weaknesses. Weakness comes in many forms but often shows itself in a physical, mental, or financial condition. Sit down and study your abilities and strengths. Since you are retired, you're in a better position to concentrate on something new. So rejoice as you delight in the discovery and use of your insight into new interests and abilities and the

time to do whatever you wish to do.

Heap on more wood! The wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry still. 
-- Sir Walter Scott.

As we adjust to new situations that come with retirement, we might feel strange at first. Each new circumstance may be foreign to our experiences or our routine. Some changes will be good and we will like. Some changes will not be so good and we will not like. The more achievement-oriented you were in your old job the more difficult it may be for you to slow down now. The answer will differ from person to person. We must accept that our position has been replaced with someone new. They may not do things the way we did. What do we do? Accept it. It's someone else's concern now, not ours. You did what you did when it was your time to do it. Now it's time for others to try. The past and the future come and go in your hands or someone else's. Now it's the present. Time to move forward with new interests. Hopefully,  your retirement will bring a time of peace whereby you can enjoy time with family and friends and the monetary rewards you've acquired from work.

This person was about to retire and it was his last day of work at the

construction site. All of a sudden, a dynamite explosion sent the guy flying into oblivion. A few minutes later, the foreman came around to find out what happened. "Where's Jack? he asked. "I wanted to talk to him on his last day of work." "He left," said a co-worker. "When did he say he'd be back?" "He didn't say. But if he comes back as quick as he left, I'd say he'll be back about five minutes ago."

A retiree paid a palm reader $50. "I'm in a crisis since I retired. No job, No reason to get up in the mornings. All alone. Nothing to do. Someone else is doing my job at work. I'm depressed. Not enough money. I need to know about the future, this is December, can you predict the next four or five months?" "Certainly, replied the palm reader, pocketing the money, January, February, March, and April. For another twenty bucks I'll take you to the end of the year."

A blessed and timely retirement can help you restore what's been misplaced and also what's really been lost. Every adult loses his or her youth and physical endurance. Nothing will bring it back entirely, but youthful attitudes can be found and wholly restored. As December 2004 ends and a new year begins, welcome the opportunity to start a new beginning. Although you've terminated your employment, you're not unemployed from life. Your former occupation no longer occupies your life, but other things will. These new things will be outgo -- outgoing use of interest, energy, talents, and new experiences.

May I take this opportunity to say "Good-bye" to all my former students and colleagues. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of someone at the workplace. I pray for each and every one of you. I miss everyone there. By the way, I'm doing good with my hip surgery recovery.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24 KJV