The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

AUGUST  2008

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

Gospel in The Declaration of Independence

By June Griffin

Certain occupants of the American real estate who have been indoctrinated into infidelity, often claim that the Name of Jesus is not in the Declaration of Independence and that there is no mention of God in our Constitution. These same deluded and blinded souls do the same for the Book of Esther.

Take that sacred, inspired Book. Here the skeptic rides high in denouncing its inspiration claiming that the Name of God is not in the Book. Oh yes, it is indeed in the Book - proclaimed in the Acts of God and His Divine Providence, which is a Name of God itself- Divine Providence. (See Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary) What was it that made the King suffer a sleepless night and call for the records which showed Morcedai's heroic deed? It was Divine Providence - at a time when Mordecai was to be executed, in that very time, was he elevated against Haman, their version of the Income Tax.

June Griffin

That the founders believed in the Trinity and had good understanding is implemented in their use of the term: "Endowed by our Creator." That Jesus was the Creator - "by Him were the worlds formed." was a given in those days. No one had to repeat the name of Jesus every few minutes to show their orthodoxy. This is the play of carnality and Pharisees. Well taught by good preachers, they knew that Jesus was the Creator, the Word of God made flesh, along with the fact of the Spirit of God - a Trinity of salvation. So by bringing forth the Name of Creator, "Nature's God," naturally Jesus was proclaimed as primary in our Declaration of Independence. Of course Mr. Skeptic knows nothing of our history or the religion of these men so he assumed that what is in his little brain and opinion is indeed the truth. At least that is his vain wish.

The Gospel of the Trinity is further elucidated and glorified in their appeal to the "Supreme Judge of the world." Did not the Word of God state that "In righteousness doth He make war and judge." (Isaiah 11) Not by opinion, but by Righteousness and Equity - all being created in equity to inherit life, liberty and real property -the very element of happiness, ownership - the ability to say: THIS IS MINE.

These founders were surrounded with a cowardly populace whose loyalty to the British order who had usurped their God-given Rights. They were jailed and persecuted as the patriots today who are aggravated by the "swarms of officers who harass us and eat out our substance," just for a mess of pottage That enemy populace was backed up by the finest and fiercest military in the world. To add to their misery, the King had "hired against them the merciless Indian savages" to scalp their families and burn their homes.. Outnumbered and by all human reason to be defeated, yet the Founders set themselves with a firm reliance upon Divine Providence and upon God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost - the Creator -Who in His Infinite Power and Mercy, moved circumstances and used the elements themselves, coupled with an endurance and dedication which shames today's political hirelings, modern-day Tories - God was with them and gave them the Unconditional Surrender. In conclusion, let the skeptics and naysayers come up with such a document and 'share' their feelings. They have no Declaration for Declarations emanate from a certain knowledge of truth itself. Let them cry to their belly-button, meditate on the moon, imbibe their alcohol or whatever source of inspiration they have and win the war against government oppressions. Let me see their Declaration of Independence, their opposition to the Despotism which keeps the whole nation under a so-called "safety" tyranny whose King is the State Insurance and whose vassals are on the welfare check and whose lawyers belong to the ACLU.

The great and victorious Gospel set forth in the Declaration of Independence, this grandchild of the Magna Charta and son of the Mayflower Compact - this great and glorious challenge to the petty tyrants of the world whose bureaucracies live off the fruit of our labors - this Paper lives on and its truths are eternal.'He teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight."

And while sacrificing their "lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor," Samuel Adams stated that in voting to separate from Great Britain, they had "this day restored the Sovereign, to whom alone men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and... from the rising to the setting sun, may His Kingdom come." No King but Jesus and this King looks a lot like a Minuteman! Glory, Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
