The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

APRIL  2008

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






It's a Personal View

"It's amazing how many folks have been coming out against free speech
at both the national and local level."

by Mel Griffith

It's amazing how many folks have been coming out against free speech at both the national and local level. If this trend continues we may just have to repeal the First Amendment and impose censorship. At the national level it has recently been discovered that is is not politically correct to mention the middle name of presidential candidates such as the Hussein in Barak Hussein Obama. Now that we have made this enlightened discovery, there are lots of questions to be answered. For example, is it now improper to refer to middle initials or only middle names? Since no one has complained about the W in George W. Bush, is it alright to say Barak H. Obama? And what about Hillary Rodham Clinton? Since Rodham is a maiden name instead of a true middle name, can we still mention it? What about all the past presidents who have been inadvertently insulted by mentioning their middle names before anyone knew that it wasn't politically correct. With our newly found enlightenment, perhaps we will have to go through all the history books and mark out the Delano in Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Quincy in John Quincy Adams. On a serious note, all this uproar over nothing shows that we have elevated into leadership positions  airheads who not only don't know what to do about anything important, they can't even tell the difference between important things and trivial nonsense like fussing over middle names.

On the local level, the city council and some other folks got all upset about an article written by another contributor to this paper. While I didn't fully agree with the opinions in the article, the writer has the same right to her opinions that everyone else has. City Council members also have every right to their opinions, but passing a resolution to express their political opinions when they are supposed to be conducting city business is silly. Most disturbing were calls by a few folks for The People News to be punished by taking away advertising or distribution space because it published something they disagreed with. If we get into that game, the same folks who want The People News punished may find that somebody disagrees with their views and wants them punished. We should be careful what we pray for other folks to get, we may get some of it too.

Mel Griffith

- Mel Griffith raises cattle on his farm in the southern part of the county, is the 6th District member of the Bradley County Commission. He also serves on the Bradley County Planning Commission and is a Valley View volunteer fire fighter.